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SupremeWhip Max | Tanks (580g) & Regulators

Save time and money with Supremewhip Max 580g whip cream chargers. Use of larger whipped cream chargers reduces considerable wastage in comparison with standard sizes. In professional kitchens, Supremewhip Max canisters are ideal for easily preparing many different dishes, drinks and cocktails — all with one single culinary tool. 

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  • Cheap prices, top-quality nitrous oxide
  • Free delivery on orders over $100

If you can’t find a product or would like to place a larger order, contact us and we will be happy to help.

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SupremeWhip Max whipped cream chargers are the ultimate single culinary tool.

These truly professional-grade Supremewhip Max tanks are filled with pure culinary-grade nitrous oxide.

They’re very easy, quick and efficient. Making them perfect for busy, professional kitchens. Whip up a range of infused cocktails, ingredients, and whipped creams and dishes — from garlic-rosemary-infused chicken, infused coffee brews, infused vegetable oils and more. 

We can provide bespoke Supremewhip Max wholesale orders, shipped to all corners of the United States and as manufacturers are able to guarantee the cheapest possible prices. Simply get in touch with us for more information.

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