How To Use A Whipped Cream Dispenser | Supreme Whip

Whipped cream is a delicious topping enjoyed around the world. Known for its fluffy, airy texture, it is the perfect addition to almost all desserts and several hot drinks. And with a whipped cream dispenser, it couldn’t be easier to make your own professional-grade whipped cream. Whether you own a dessert shop, are hosting a gathering or simply want to take your daily treats to the next level, a dispenser is ideal for all your whipping cream requirements. In this blog post, we’re sharing the simple steps for how to use a whipped cream dispenser. We’ll also answer common questions people ask about how to make whipped cream in a dispenser. But first…
What Is A Whipped Cream Dispenser?
A whipped cream dispenser is a small, handheld device used to create instant whipped cream and other products with a soft, airy texture, such as desserts and sauces.
How Does A Whipped Cream Dispenser Work?
Nitrous oxide passes through the canister via a cream charger. The gas then creates small bubbles that enable that ‘whipped’ effect. A whipped cream dispenser can provide instant results in minutes - or even less! It is the best way to create fresh whipped cream.
What Can You Put In A Whipped Cream Dispenser?
They may be famous for making whipped cream, but these devices can create an endless list of other food items. You can put several liquids and some solids in dispensers, from creams through to potatoes. The trick to remember with liquids is that they must be thick enough for nitrous oxide bubbles to pass through. Therefore, the heavier the liquid, the better.
When putting solids in the dispenser, they must be soft enough to form a foam or gel-like consistency. For example, you should boil potatoes before putting them in your dispenser so that they become soft.
The culinary opportunities you get when you buy a whipped cream dispenser truly are endless - anyone can become a master chef! You can add anything to your dispenser that you want to make airy, light and fluffy.
Here’s How To Use A Whipped Cream Dispenser
A dispenser makes it easier than ever to create delicious whipped cream. Here’s how to make whipped cream in a dispenser;
- Insert your cream charger into the dispenser. Take care to ensure it is securely screwed on.
- Fill your dispenser with cream and powdered sugar - or any other ingredients if you are making something other than whipped cream. Take care not to overfill.
- Once you have added your ingredients and tightly sealed the dispenser, turn it upside down. This allows the gas to make its way around the canister and aerate the cream.
- Shake well for around 30 seconds.
- Enjoy your fluffy whipped cream!
Note that specific instructions may vary depending on the type of whipped cream dispenser you use. For best results, we recommend reading your dispenser’s instruction manual before using it. Now that you know how to make whipped cream in a dispenser, what recipe will you try out first?
Whipped cream can be enjoyed throughout the year, from scorching summers to frosty winters and every day in between. And with a dispenser, making your own professional whipped cream will only take a matter of minutes.
Now that you know how to use a whipped cream dispenser, you can put your newfound knowledge to the test. If you are interested in buying a dispenser, you can browse all our whipped cream dispensers here. All devices come with three decorating tips so you can experiment with designs and choose which pattern is right for you.
Below is a great video if you want to learn how to use our whipped cream dispensers. The dispenser shown is a 0.5l Whip-It! dispenser - a versatile, high quality dispenser for all your catering needs.